then we went down to the lake. i didn't think to take the camera, but really i would have needed high speed film for you to get the full impact of her cuteness at the lake. she hopped like a little bunny and hopped and hopped and hopped. then when she couldn't hop anymore due to the depth of the lake she SWAM! we didn't even know she could swim. she swam out to where jacob, my nephew, was looking for shells and then realized she couldn't reach when she got to him. i called her back to me and she was trying her hardest but she was tuckered from all the hopping...soon all you could see were the whites of her eyes and the tip of her nose. so i ran out there and scooped her up and brought her back to where she could hop and she was off again. that night she laid like this all evening:
then that night we ate dinner, and made smore's. so yummy. then we all went to bed. not really went to bed, it started out with just brushing our teeth, then one person went to bed, then the next guy, then the next guy. until we were all in bed, having forgotten about the deer bate we left on the picnic table. at 3am i woke up to something eating tatum's eukanuba out of the tupperware that i had left open under the picnic table. for those of you who don't know, tatum can ONLY eat eukanuba. so when we're camping and she runs out-she's out until we get back to a city with a petsmart. so i jumped out and flashed my flash light and i saw eyes and then a huge body looking at me from the picnic table. it ran off and i sent paul out there to salvage what would be left of her food. he couldn't find it so i went out with my flashlight to find her food, a jar of peanuts, a pile of granola bars and some potato chips sitting on the table. oops. so me and paul cleaned that all up real quick and went back to our tent to find our fearless guard-dog anxiously awaiting our return like this:
this morning we woke up to find her eye swollen shut though. poor pooh bear. she scratched her cornea. she'll spend the next few days with her left eye dialated. it looks so bad. i'd take a picture but the light hurts her eyes so we're sitting around in the dark tonight. i never imagined we'd be such suckers for a dog. but she's so cute. i told my mom it's a good thing she's so cute or we'd take her back. her vet bills are running us so much that we are now going to get puppy insurance. can you believe we are the suckers keeping puppy insurance in business? well we can't afford not to at $150 a paycheck. i know, my sister is reading this thinking, just stop taking her to the vet. except that if we had let this scratched cornea go for another day, they'd be removing her eyeball tomorrow. so i can't help it. she's my baby.
WHEW! long post. sorry. see what happens when i don't post for a weekend?
Tatum is too cute! And I love the stories about her, it's nice to see how a dog so vibrant can just completely liven up your life!
did you say $150 a paycheck??? :) she is a cutie. When we were really small, our good friends took out an HMO on their parakeet! That was my first experience with pet insurance. They got so much grief about that, but he had similarly captured their hearts and I think they felt like you, that they couldn't afford to not have it!
That was so entertaining to read - I love your stories and the way you write. Her "bouncing like a bunny" made me laugh and laugh. Sounds like a fun weekend. Thanks so much for taking the time to share!!!!
I understand about the dog-love. My dogs are my bebes and I just love 'em. I miss them when I'm gone all day long. I get it!
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