Wednesday, September 10, 2008

almost tah-dah

here's the top half of the quilt. it has 6 of the 12 stars it will have. it will be 3 across, as you see here, but then it will be 4 down. the only thing that green square...see with the scottie dog tips? it's not completely square and the edges are off kilter. i remember mudders critiquing her own quilts like this and i thought she was crazy for seeing any problems. now i understand. i'll just embrace what the amish say "to make it perfect is trying to be god." that's my story and i'm sticking to it.


Del Angelo said...

Oh my goodness! That is by far the prettiest yet! Hope you don't try to top this!!!

Nicole said...

Beautiful. My mom made me and quilt and I love it. You're awesome and your son will love it

Elizabeth Angelo said...

so cool! i've never heard that quote before but that's a good one!

Faith said...

OMG I can't believe how fast you are! It looks really good. The more stars you put on there the more I love it. Good job!

Brock said...

that is so cool - absolutely stunning

Robbyn said...

Perfection's overrated. It's the "oops-es" that give things honesty and character (and make them that much more beautiful, IMO). I love how you make every star a little bit different. You are really flying through this one!