Monday, September 29, 2008

chugga chugga chugga chugga

this weekend i got quite a bit done on the quilt work for my boy quilt. it will still take me quite a few months to finish but it's looking ca-ute! i tried to take a picture to show you but it just wouldn't show up in the light. i'll have to keep trying at different times of the day and at different stages of my progress and see if i can catch it.
on good news i actually got a positive o test tonight. today was a crucial temp day BUT guess who started whining to go out at 5:15AM. in my incoherentness that early all i said to paul was "i can't get up or it will mess up my temps. these 3 days are the most crucial days of the month!!!" he quickly realized my panic and took her out. but-it was too late. my temp schedule was messed up. thank goodness for the pee sticks. only 18 days! oh well....wait a minute....18 days! this is a milestone-this is the same day i o-ed last month! do i have a pattern!?! oh my gosh, if i o again next month on day 18 i will be VERY excited. that means i can cut down to just 8 or so o tests instead of my regular 14+ o tests. whew!
i got trout at the store tonight and i can't wait to eat it. i fell in love with trout when i worked at upword and they put me on a fishing trip with a bunch of guys and the loved me. my only job was to cook for them. that's the part where they fell in love with me. then they tried to teach me how to fish. then they realized why it was a guys only fishing trip. i talked too much and had to promise not to talk if they took me out again. but they still loved me and requested me the next year. i think it was because if they didn't show up for lunch, i put their lunch on my back and walked down the river until i found them to feed them. anyhow-that's how i learned to clean a fish. and it really doesn't bother me. but thank goodness, king soopers does it for me so all i have to do is shove it in the oven.

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