that's all i need. i know that because i met jesus in the fabric store tonight. he came to me in the form of a woman with a very lazy left eye, that i first noticed because of her high pitched voice. it all started when i saw fat quarters "on sale". "how much are the 'sale' fat quarters?" i asked. "let me go find out." she chirped in the high pitched voice i first heard when i walked back to my mother ship. (the quilting fabrics section of any store is my mecca.) then she found me after i had had some time to meander through the bolts. *sigh* i love fabrics. when she found me i had 4 more fabrics in my hand, each with different sale stickers on them. she told me that one that was super cute was 60% off the $3.99 sticker. HELLO! there just went my $10 limit i promised paul. but he understands. addictions can't be addictions without enablers right? so me and jesus in the form of a woman with a lazy eye walked up to the cutting counter making chit-chat as i do with all strangers because they all are potential friends. she asked what i was making and for some reason my honesty switch flipped. damn switch, i try to reserve it only for occassions involving 2 or more glasses of wine. but there it was, my response: "my 14th quilt. i make baby quilts for all the babies in our family but at 4 babies a year i decided to stop and make a baby quilt for my baby that i'm not pregnant with yet." what did i just say? oh yes. that's exactly what i said. and she said "well, that's a very good blessing to speak over yourself!" and i looked at her like-she's speaking my language. she then said "are you a believer in the messiah?" "yes." "well He spoke the world into existance and you are doing the right thing to speak that blessing over you." at which point i teared up. right there at the hancock fabrics cutting counter. i can't help it, OR blame it on the clomid. it was just one of those moments. so there it was that i met jesus and realized all i need is the faith of a mustard seed. please god please oh please oh please let this month work out. for those of you that asked, this is a picture of my 'stache or stash. and i added 9 more fabrics tonight for just $12!! ooooo i love fabric.
here's a picture of the eye on the upswing. i tried to take a better picture but she promptly fell asleep after this first picture.

and here's a picture of salty bread from safeway. if you haven't had it, you need to try it. it's so good it made it on the blog.
what a neat thing. :) i'm sure that was not a chance encounter.
"are you a believer in the messiah?"
The messiah rox my sox. personally.
very cool article - and I agree - what you think becomes who you are and probably changes what will happen to you.
I would probably have the fabric organized the exact same way. - and that was a cute pic of lil tater.
I think your lazy-eyed Jesus was in my dream night before last. I'm not kidding! Although I'm not sure she was Jesus in my dream, but anyway...How cool that you met her when you did. And that you see everyone as a potential friend. We could use a lot more people like you in this world! :)
Your fabric organization rocks and I love that you are taking the time to make YOUR quilt. Such a positive and inspirational thing!
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