Sunday, September 14, 2008

day 3 and all that comes with it

today is day 3 of my cycle. that means blood work and an ultrasound. so this morning we drove to littleton. it's about an hour south of where we live. the office close to me is only open monday through friday so we had to go all the way down there. we decided to take little ms cutie patootie mcfattyfeeterson with us. (i love giving her nicknames.)
before i go on, i have to say, sometimes i can be downright too quick to judge. i know this does not shock some of you. i walked in, and we were running late because google said it would take an hour and 2 minutes going down broadway. i thought if we took the highway it would be quicker. turns out it was still an hour and 2 minutes. i walked in and the receptionist just rubbed me the wrong way. i don't know why. we were both forcing our pleasantries but i could tell i rubbed her wrong as much as she rubbed me wrong so we just pushed our ways through it until we could ignore each other for the duration of my stay. i told her i was there for bloodwork and an ultrasound. it was 10:10 when i got there. (this will be crucial to the story in a minute.) then paul came in and we were chit-chatting and i got emotional. nothing triggered it, i just got emotional. fertility friends: could this still be the clomid from last month creeping up on me? then the ultrasound technician called me back. she had the best northern european accent. i had tears in my eyes and she asked me what was wrong. of course, i have NO explanation at all. i said "oh this is all just too much sometimes. i'm fine." so then we get down to business. i won't explain any further for my male readers, my female readers know exactly what i'm talking about. she said my follies look great. i have a bunch of them, but i did last month too and only one eggie transpired out of it. she then looked at my left ovary and i said "now don't panic..." because i didn't want her to be afraid to tell me since i was already in tears "...i have a huge cyst on the left ovary but it's been there for over a year." she measured it and it was 1.5 cm by 1.5 cm. last month it was 1.8 cm by 1 cm.'s kinda better i did notice that she measured it diagonally and last months tech measured it square on, so that could explain. but the good news is that .8 vs .5 means that it shrank .3. you follow me right?! so i'm hoping all of your prayers are making it heal up because even though i'm a pessimist i do believe in prayer even though i myself don't hold out much hope. i then asked her if she thought my ovaries looked at all like they could be PCOS-y. i told her my bloodwork does not show PCOS but the lafayette tech said she thought maybe they looked a bit like it. she said she didn't think so and that my ovaries look great even with that cyst on there. two words: YIP!EE!!
then we go downstairs to get my bloodwork and the blood lady (sorry jpants-what are you guys called?) said "oh i stop drawing blood at 9:30." remember when i said i arrived at 10:10 and the receptionist did NOT mention to me that i needed to hustle my little, ok not-so-little-anymore bootie downstairs to get my blood drawn? so again, the receptionist is still rubbing me the wrong way even from a floor away. i panic instantly. i get that skill from my dad. i said "but i'm on day 3! what do i do? i have to get the blood drawn today!" she said "well i'm only here because we were slammed today." and i said "so what should i do?!" she said "well, i can draw it but it won't be ran today." i said "i think it's just more important that it be drawn today, i can wait for it to be run." so she says "ok, let's just draw it....i normally don't draw after 9:30" i said "i'm sorry. i'm a lafayette patient, they didn't tell me that i had to be here before 9:30." at this point i'm full on crying, not just tearing like i did to the ultrasound nurse. then she started apologizing all over herself. 90% of this breakdown was me, not her. I told her "oh no, don't worry about it, i'm just extra emotional today, it's me not you." she softened up pretty quickly when she realized it was just gonna be one of those days or me.
after all that we went to krispy kreme. some days you just need one. i was hoping they had the pumpkin spice donuts out because it's not officially fall until the pumpkin spice donuts are out at krispy kreme. no luck. at least not at the highlands ranch store. that's my day so far and it's not even noon. i'm going to work on my quilt. i finished picking out and cutting up all of the fabrics yesterday so now i can just sew my little heart out for the rest of the day.

1 comment:

Robbyn said...

Glad to hear the cyst is shrinking!Sorry to hear about the emotional overload at the clinic, though. I wouldn't think Clomid could still be getting to you at this point, but who knows? Maybe it somehow unleashed a chain of hormonal reactions that have carried on into this cycle. My other theory is that there's just something in the air at those clinics that toys with our already exhausted emotions. Hope the quilt was able to take your mind off of it for a while, at least.