Friday, September 12, 2008

this month's plan

this morning i woke up to tatum scratching and 2 quick barks. that means "i gotta pee NOW!" unfortunately she's a sound sleeper and every now and then wakes up with out any warning from her bladder. so by the time i got up and dressed for our morning walk i was already too late. you can always tell when you're too late when you walk in the room to let her out and you can see tufts of her hair sticking out of the crate door. she always tries to get out of there as quickly as she can by pushing her head against the crate door. when she's peed in there she acts like the crate has been invaded or as if someone else peed in her crate. i'm not sure she's quite figured out that she is the culprit that pees in her crate every now and then. anyhow, we went walking, and i have to admit, i was a little startled at this myself. we were walking up a street and saw two frozen in bronze children at play. it was creepy. tatum caught glimpse of them out of the corner of her eye and froze in mid-stride and started growling, then barking. at 6:20am. it was so funny and i could not convince her that they weren't real children.
enough cute news...i got the ole "." so we're off to the races again this month. here's the plan so i don't have to update everyone seperately and you can know how to pray. again. sunday morning at 10am i have an ultrasound. i'm not sure what they are looking for, probably cysts. after that i will take clomid this month. my side effects are hot flashes and headaches and sometimes i get somewhat more emotional. other friends of mine have crazy spells and luckily i didn't have that this last month so i'm hoping for the same. then next week i will schedule the hysterosalpngogram. i know what you're thinking. "the HUH?!" ya, i know, it's commonly called the HSG test. this is a very painful test. ok, they say it should not be and i think 1 of my 20 friends that have had them said it didn't hurt. the other 19 took vicaden or tons of ibuprofin before hand to dull the pain. the HSG test is a test where they shoot dye up your hoohah and then watch where it goes. that tells the doctors if there's any blockage or of there's other issues that just can't be seen on the ultrasound. a lot of women have been able to get pregnant the month after the HSG because it opens everything up. this is NOT, however, a guarantee that i will instantly get pregnant or that they will find anything so let's not get our hopes up. i'm just giving you the facts. even though this is a painful test, i want to do it before we pay for another IUI out of pocket. we could do IUI's until we're blue in the face, but if i have blockages, there's no use. so i really need to do the HSG to rule out any problems before we move on to more IUI's etc.
so that's the scoop. hope it makes sense. if not, feel free to ask questions on this post, i know it's against the rules, but i know this is kind of confusing.


Brock said...

So glad that you have a plan already - and we will be praying that they are able to gain a clear understanding of what is going on.

Robbyn said...

HA! Dale totally has a thing with bronze statues, too! There was one in a WV state park that he growled at every time he saw it. I think we even got it on video.

I'm always surprised to hear how many women find HSG's so painful. Maybe it's one of those things where you only hear about the horror stories because the easy ones just aren't newsworthy. If you have a blockage I think it can be pretty bad, but otherwise it should be okay. Mine were moderately painful (intense cramping) for only a few seconds - not anything I couldn't tolerate - and all my RE ever told me to take was ibuprofen. Hope yours is quick and as painless as possible!

Nicole said...

GRRRRLLLLL!!! Get your hopes up! mine are. I cant wait to see that little peanut wrapped up in that awesome quilt!

Illbe praying that is isnt too painful for you- and that it starts something!

Del Angelo said...

We'll be praying, both for good results and that it won't be painful.
Love ya!