Thursday, September 4, 2008


i'm a little disappointed today. i don't think it took and i don't know why i feel that way. i just don't have any of the symptoms that i had with my first pregnancy and it's probably just too early. the embryo doesn't implant until days 6-8 after ovulation. so that would have been in the last couple days and today. i have felt flu-y in the afternoons yesterday and the day before. that achy-i'm-about-to-be-sick feeling. and i've had some dull headaches. and i've been all thumbs and elbows clumsy. but i don't have the sore boobs and i'm not swollen. except my fingers and toes every now and then get swollen but it might just be all the junk food we ate over the weekend traveling.
i don't know. i know this is all way to premature to be disappointed. and maybe i'm just guarding myself since i got my hopes up so high in the last week.
ok-when i re-read this i think i'm crazy for not getting excited about these symptoms. maybe i do have more to hope for than i think. maybe jeff will wear off on me some more today. he has such innocently high hopes. and like my fertility friends say "i need to be thankful and not worry because today i'm [maybe] pregnant."

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