Man, who would have thunk I'd have this much to say? Well, I guess anyone but me. I must be in denial or maybe I'm too opinionated.
So...Nicole and Faith did the coolest thing on their 100th post so I thought I would copy cat them...I seem to do that alot...and do the same.
here are 100 things you may or may not know about me:
1. there is nothing more i want in this world than a baby.
2. sometimes i worry that i love tatum so much that i won't love my human children as much as i love her. i think she's perfect.
3. someday when i'm old i want to work in an orphanage in a third world country and....i worry that if i went now i would never be able to come back to the states. and sometimes i wonder if that's in my near future more than my distant future. yikes.
4. and then i regret the prayer i prayed during my first camping/bear experience in yosemite of "dear god, if you save my life i'll go anywhere but china." because you know how god likes to make you go where you really don't want to go?
5. i am a life member of the NRA thanks to my dad buying it for me when i was a kid.
6. i had my SCUBA license before my driver's license.
7. i miss my neices and nephews every single day and it breaks my heart that we all don't live in the same town.
8. i'm really from springfield illinois, but i tell everyone i grew up in champaign. (sorry springfieldians. there are still many there that i love and you know who you are. if you are questioning whether you're in that group, you're not.)
9. when i am full i hiccup 3 times.
10. i have two "rules" for life. if someone i don't know well asks me to do something with them, no matter how busy or uninterested i am, i always go. (so far that rule has never let me down.) the other is that if i'm given an opportunity, no matter how scared of it i am, i always take it. (that one hasn't let me down either.)
11. when i watch "Sweet Home Alabama" i wish i had a group of friends from my class that i still knew. Sean Timothy is the only person that i still have contact with. (and for that i love facebook.)
12. when i smell second hand smoke, sometimes i inhale more than i should and it makes me miss the areopagus days.
13. when i think about the girls i mentored fresh out of college when they were still in high school i get weak in the knees with humilty because of what cool people they have each turned out to be. I look up to them more than they look up to me now. that includes nadia even though, technically, she wasn't supposed to be in my group.
14. i can't wait to hike my next long hike and i hope it's the PCT.
15. sometimes i wonder stupid things like, if god had made us with out elbows and knees would he have made the world flat. and did he forget elbows and knees on his first draft and somewhere out there is a universe with out them and they are all stuck in the valleys of their planet. and i wonder how long our forks would be if we didn't have elbows. or would we all have to feed each other? (this is why i don't express these thoughts often.)
16. i am an organ donor because i believe in recycling even after death. and i think the whole concept of giving life in my death rocks. you can become an organ donor too by clicking here. (clicking there does not automatically make you an organ donor, don't worry. you CAN just check it out.)
17. i love johnny cash and do not consider him country so i can go on enjoying his music and singing it at the top of my lungs when i'm alone.
18. i HATE making iced tea and rice. not sure why maybe the thought makes them seem to be time consuming tasks.
19. when i cut a sandwich into 4 parts, i get sesame street flash backs.
20. drinking 7-up always makes me feel like i'm sick.
21. every time i eat corn on the cob i think of bam-bam.
22. thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because you get all the food and none of the expectations of gifts.
23. i am TERRIFIED of bears.
24. i eat m&m's in 3's.
25. i eat skittles by color.
26. my right arm pit grows more hair than my left.
27. i'm always afraid that i won't be successful. and by "successful" i don't mean rich or have a big title...i mean the way i feel inside about myself.
28. when i was in junior high i named my boobs "huge" and "massive". they are now collectively called "the cajongas".
29. no other body parts have names. (thank you oprah for making that a necessity to clarify.)
30. i hang my clothes in order of dressyness.
31. when i buy new clothes, i like to hang them up with the tags on. it makes me feel rich.
32. i love chocolate, but only the dark stuff. milk chocolate doesn't temp me at all.
33. i can't wait to be 80.
34. i wish i was more artistic, or i guess i should say, i wish i made more art.
35. i don't have a favorite color because i can't decide.
36. my favorite movie growing up was annie.
37. i love to clean things. most of the time.
38. my favorite kind of music is anything poppy. but i'm always disappointed when i am listening to something "poppy" only for it to turn into country.
39. i eat potato chips from smallest to largest without realizing it.
40. if i could live anywhere in the world and money was no option, i'd live in key west.
41. if i could have any job and money was no option i think i'd like to be an art director for a nursing home. or i'd like to have an orphanage full of kids of all ages.
42. i'm very opinionated, but very indecisive.
43. my favorite toy growing up was an E.T. doll, that i still have.
44. when i was little i would hold "garage sales" in my room and grandma angelo would come and buy my junk for real money.
45. my first real job was an office job doing accounts receivable and payables for a company that sold ATM supplies. i think that job is what made me love business. i was 16.
46. i rolled my first car 10 days after receiving it. it was a silver VW rabbit.
47. i am NOT a cat person. (sorry adea!!)
48. i grind my teeth in my sleep so bad i had to get a bite guard.
49. i love to bake.
50. when i got married i had 500 christmas lights in my dress and when i kissed my husband on the altar i flipped a switch and my dress lit up.
51. i hate when people use the wrong version of they're, their and there or two, to and too.
52. my favorite artist is van gogh.
53. my 2nd favorite is duffy and bonnard. yes...i know that makes 3 but they are in a tie because i love the way bonnard uses green.
54. i would rather be cold than hot although i love to go running in the heat.
55. there is a hole between my two front teeth at the very top and if i can't get air between them it makes me in sane. i need a toothpick stat!!
56. i can only have 2 alcohol beverages in public. after that i make no promises or guaranties.
57. i love numbers and math.
58. there is no man in the world i think is more handsome than paul.
59. white chocolate always reminds me of aunt ruth but i don't know why.
60. peanut brittle always reminds me of aunt ruth's mom, martha, and i know exactly why.
61. i hate having a cell phone because sometimes i just want to be alone.
62. i try to buck technology but am easily swayed.
63. i'm afraid to get too involved in churches because that's usually when i get kicked out or reprimanded.
64. even though i hated it at the time i'm glad we have lived in so many different parts of the country.
65. some day i would like to live in vermont for just one winter.
66. the accomplishment i'm the most proud of is being an AT thru hiker. and that i completed it with paul.
67. i had a doll house growing up and to this day i remember getting it for christmas from maryann.
68. my favorite beverage is red wine. or a carmel mocha frappacino. or sweet tea.
69. i'm lactose intolerant but i try all the time not to be.
70. when i'm hungry i get dizzy really quick.
71. i eat way too much sugar. (but i'm working on it rachelle!)
72. if anything ever happened to paul i would not remarry.
73. the one place i'd really like to go someday is italy. all other places would just be a bonus.
74. i collect children's books. especially one's that have gotten the coldecott medal for the illustrations.
75. i love the smell of ponderosa trees and i miss my florida front yard because in the heat of summer they smell extra good.
76. my favorite poem is "when i'm an old woman."
77. i firmly believe that i have the cutest baby puppy dog in all the world.
78. i love quilting because you can fit so much color into a small spot.
79. i love shining shoes.
80. the woman i was named after is one of 3 of the most fun people i've ever met.
81. my favorite concept is: once you stretch your mind it can never go back to its original shape.
82. sometimes i don't think quicker than i talk but i'm working on it.
83. my childhood nickname was tootsie.
84. the only bone i've ever broken is the bone that holds up my left eye ball.
85. i was born with 2 teeth. one fell out right away, the other one i had until i was 6.
86. i won a freckle contest in the 3rd grade.
87. spending money makes me very nervous.
88. when i was little i wanted to be a zoologist when i grew up. or an actress.
89. i didn't pick a major in college until my junior year when they forced me. then i picked social science so i could use all of the credits i had and still graduate in 4 years. psychology, sociology and history. with a minor in education.
90. when my sister turned 11 she got 11 roses for her "golden birthday". so i swore that 9 was my favorite number, since i was 9 years old, so i could get some roses too. it didn't work. but 9 is still my favorite number. and sometimes 4.
91. once i scared missy so bad that she ran screaming so long that she had to take another breath before she was done. that was my favorite scare to this day.
92. i only have 1 regret in life.
93. when dan was little i loved smelling his pillows because they always smelled like honey.
94. i can type over 80 words a minute with only 3 errors.
95. i think that chocolate tastes better frozen.
96. the longest i've ever gone with out a shower is 11 days.
97. i remember back when i wore diapers. (they say the more artistic you are the farther back you can remember.)
98. when i was little, still in diapers even, i thought when i grew up the little girl in my pictures would grow up too so i would stand in front of the mirror and memorize what i looked like so when i grew up i wouldn't forget.
99. when i was in kindergarden i realized that babies were born every day. not just in generations.
100. i have always hated sharing my clothes. just ask missy, we used to have knock down drag out fights about sharing.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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omg you are so interesting. my facts were so stupid! Loved yours. 44 was sweet and 26 make me laff out loud. :)
Loved this post!! Happy 100th post!
wow that was fast! holy cow!
but I thought you said if paul died you would marry me?!
i love your statements- you are so true
Oh, Cheri, I just love you!
What a great idea! This just makes me wish I knew you IRL that much more. You are one fascinating gal, Miss Cheri! :D
those are so awesome - I loved reading every one.
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