it means "i'm too cute to be mad at me right?" which is equivalent to saying "i'm guilty as charged and i loved your mouthguard more than you did. mmmm...mmmm."
yes. that's right. tatum ate my $500 mouth guard made from the dentist in DC because i am a teeth grinder. didn't know it until my gums were receding and he looked at my teeth and said "oh you're a teeth grinder." i know what you're thinking. "sucker. he just made an easy $500 on you." except that he was the third dentist to tell me that AND my teeth hurt now because my gums have receeded so badly from all the teeth grinding. I know!! who wouldda thunk it could do that right? well, it does. we gotta figure out which is worse. spend the $500 (which we won't have until next spring AFTER my hsg test) or let me grind away at night.
oh man - that sucks so bad - perhaps a glass of red wine everynight would help you through this time without it. :)
Oh gosh.
oh my goodness taitum!!
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