Here we are..dogs and all. cookie was a snow princess of sorts:
here is grace in front of a funkytown trunk at the trunk-or-treat. they got a picture with grace and she was quite honored:
jacob was a really good ninja. he's taking chinese so instead of saying "thank you" he said it in chinese. I can't spell it though.
i know, i could fix the red eyes but they made the picture so much better so i left them:
then we came home and carved pumpkins.
which required serious concentration:
and some collaboration:
in the end they turned out so cute. bet you'll never guess whose is whose. we really did carve them on halloween. i think our camera timer is still set for eastern time zone though. oops. i guess it's not as bad as taking all of dan's wedding pictures on 7/7/7 with the date set to 6/15/06. ?? what the heck?? how did i screw that up so bad. anyway-tangent sorry.
and then the kids sorted their loot while we watched a movie starting at midnight. yes-this is what they love about aunt cheri and uncle paul's house.
jacob nailed it on the head when he said "man we made out like BANDITS!!" he's not lieing! have you ever seen so much candy from one night of trunk-or-treating?
I love this - pictures are great and costumes too. I don't know how you guys have the energy to stay up that late anymore. I would have conked out long before then. Nice pkins!
awesome punkins!!!!
wow, that is a TON of candy. I always thought sorting it into piles was the most fun part!
Hummmm, now why is it they like to come to Aunt Cheri' and Uncle Paul's house???? What fun! Good job! Guess who will be waiting at your door next year too!!!! :)
Lucky! I wanna go to your house next Halloween!
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