Tonight Paul is going down to his parents to go camping/cutting wood/having "the talk" with Jacob. I am so torn. I want to just pack up my quilt and Tatum and go down and just quilt all weekend but I have SO much to do. I don't think we've done the dishes since Monday. The house is a mess with dog toys strewn about like a tornado came through her toy basket. There is a layer of some kind of dust/gunk on all the bathrooms. I'm still up in the air. And if I don't go, I can go to a ladies movie night for a group at my church, or go see Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat at the high school, and we have a tenative date with Buster tomorrow morning to go to the dog park. *sigh* what to do, what to do?!
i vote for quilting. the grime will be there when you get back!!
ooo "the talk" huh? is he ready for that?! Does he have his speech prepared? good practice for the future though I suppose. if you clean really quick then you can quilt all weekend! Im going to try and knit a scarf for a christmas present.. we'll see. I also have lesson planning and all that jazz to do.... I should clean too...
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