Monday, October 20, 2008


we joke all the time about my grandma angelo's attitude. her tag line was always "i don't understand why the world has to be so happy." she always had a way to spit the "pp's" out when she said "happy". almost made you feel guilty for giggling at her sourpuss attitude. but i have to admit i am having a hard time keeping a good attitude about this whole baby thing. today i watched this:

and wondered, how do i get that kind of attitude? i don't want to sit around and cry all the time but it's not like i come with a switch for such occassions. i'm working on it but i make no promises.


Elizabeth Angelo said...

wow, amazing. it's all about perspective, isn't it? that guy could be totally bitter at god and mad at the world. neat video.

Brock said...

wow - that is a really neat video - I was thinking about Grandma Angelo today too. But I can't think of what it was now...