Wednesday, October 22, 2008


well we got jipped. and i mean big time jipped. i don't have much time and photos will come later but we went to petsmarts howl-o-ween party last night and as soon as we walked in the door everybody cooed "oh an octopus!" "oh my gosh-she's so cute!!!" etc etc etc. and there were some CUTIE cute costumes. one dog was one of those big dogs like the dog in peter pan, and he had a little cowboy in a saddle on his back. a dachshund was a porcupine. VERY cute. and there were some schnauzers, ok so i'm biased since i LOVE schnauzers, but they were brother/sister and they were a football player and a cheerleader. too cute. personally i think store bought costumes should not be allowed to win, but here's the break down:
3rd place: a chijuajua (how DO you spell chijuaua?) dressed as a dragon/alligator
2nd place: the dachshund porcupine
and 1st place: you'd think it would be the wheaten terrier octopus but was a set of chijuajuas that were a witch sort of thing-it was like witch shaped but it was orange fabric so i'm not sure what she was supposed to be, and her brother, a military man. cute yes. award winning no. and you could tell everyone in the room was like "really...the chijuajua's?" now, i don't think Tatum should have won FIRST place, because the porcipine was cah-ute! but she should have at least beat out the chijuajuas. but that's my two cents.


Anonymous said...

Yes! She should have won a prize. Everyone knows Wheaton's are cuter than Chi........
Enter her in another contest.

Robbyn said...

You wuz ROBBED! There's no way she wasn't cute enough for a prize. Who was voting, anyway? Demand a recount! :D

Dae said...

I don't understand why she didn't get a prize! It just isn't fair. Oh, and it's spelled chihuahua.