then tonight we had a little bit of a birthday party and guess who came over? BUSTER. and we finally got pictures. and i must say he looked awfully handsome in his birthday party hat.
and then we sang happy birthday. i know, pathetic, but i didn't start it, nor did i object.
and then we had cake, i had to help tatum stay in her bowl. she's not much of an eater unless it's a competition.
and then we opened presents. and then we played a little bit more before buster had to go home.
it was a fun time.
Happy Happy Birthday, Tatum! What a cute couple she and Buster make. :)
I think that is the first time I've seen buster. that is funny "i di'nt start it nor did I object" :D
Those pictures are totally cute!
Happy Birthday Tatum! Buster and Tatum looks so cute together when they're playing. Cheri - you did an excellent job with Tatum and she seem so well adapted and happy!
Thanks guys. I love that you can practically see Tatum smiling in that last picture even though her face isn't facing the camera. She's such a goofball.
aaaahhh, Happy Birthday Tatum Tutu!
Sorry I missed it. Buster looks HIGH-larious!
dont worry- we sing to the pups too. L.O.V.E. that picture of her smiling at the camera with cake in her mouth!!!!
I CANNOT believe she is a year old already!
HaPpY bIrThDaY Tatum to you too! Butster and Tatum do make a cute couple! He is so cute and very funny. Is she a year old already?
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