here's another paragraph story. there are some things from the south i won't miss.
We have recently moved to the South for a stint and have even bought a house in the hopes of settling down. It’s been interesting to say the least adjusting to the good ole south. One adjustment as been the pest control, or should I say, lack thereof. We have some neighbors that are sweet as punch but have 5 dogs. Beefy, Boo-Boo, Scrappy, Blossom and Squeaks. They also have quite the rat problem. There’s a wonderful thing down here called pest control services. Some of them are quite affordable. Ours is only $25 a month and I have since realized that I would rather go hungry than live with out it. However, upon meeting the woman who is the owner of the 5 dogs I started chit-chatting about our house. Somehow, and for the life of me I can’t recall, we got onto her house and the rat problem they have in the house. This is the famous line that left me blinking like a deer in headlights “one of them came running down the hallway at me the other morning so I just got ready for the day while throwing shoes and sandals and anything I could get my hands on in its direction until I could get dressed enough to run out of the house. Then I just left for the day”
1 comment:
I LOVE that movie! the sound track rocks.
get rid of the rats lady! like it was nothing new. gross
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