Thursday, August 14, 2008

the boyf'

so tonight we had dinner with buster's mommy and daddy. otherwise known as josie and dave. so that means that tatum got to spend 3 uninterupted hours of playing with buster. those two are crazy. and get along pretty well until tatum steals busters bones and then intervention from the human kind is required. eventually we had to take all bones away and hide them so they'd stop bickering like an old married couple about them.
then we came home and started getting ready for bed when tatum needed to go out again so i took her back out side and she meandered in the direction of busters house, which is not abnormal, that's typically the way we start out. then she turned the corner, sniffing as if she was JUUUUUUST about to find the perfect spot for #2...then sniffed a little bit further. finally i thought, i'm just gonna see how this plays out and let her lead the way. do you know we played that little charade of sniffing all the way back to buster's window? crazy dog. and again i thank god she's spayed!


Faith said...

what a cute story-she must really have a crush on buster! :)

Robbyn said...

Ahhh, puppy love. So cute! Yes, thank God she's spayed, because the last thing you need right now is to become a grandmother. :D But it would be really interesting to see what kind of combo they'd make!

Brock said...

hilarious - oddly, that is almost the exact story of how Liz and I started dating.

Del Angelo said...