Friday, June 19, 2009

slow and easy good-bye

Yesterday was our last day with the girls. They keep saying "our last breakfast, our last waffles" etc and I'd pretend sob but I've already prepped them that that night I would CRY CRY CRY when they left. And when I told the YMCA leader yesterday morning I cried and he got choked up because EVERYBODY loves these girls. They are so great to have around. So...made me sad all over again. But I told the Y counselor that the kids can make cards for the girls if they want next week and I can get them to the case worker to take to them.
Paul and I took off work a little early to have a little more time with the girls and not be rushed out the door at 6pm when we got home. I let them play with the neighbor kids for a while, then I said I wanted to play one more game of LIFE with them. I had the neighbor kids come in for popsicles and a round of LIFE because I know it's hard for the girls AND the neighborkids to say good-bye. While we were playing the phone rang. It was the CASA, the person who visits with the family outside of visiting hours. it's like a bonus visit every now and then, but they also happen to be assistants to the GAL's (guardian at litum's). She said they had been trying to get ahold of me all day and wanted to know if we would mind driving the kids to their parent's house. ??? I said, you mean where they're going to live?! And she said yes. I said "no! we're free all night, we can do it." so she gave me their address and the kids' case worker was picking up little brother and meeting us there. we quickly loaded up the truck and drove down there. i had the kids guess what their new address was. it was a fun little game. everything is new and exciting for them. we pulled up to the house and their dad came out to meet us. paul got out and shook his hand, i got out and, of course, gave him a hug. i never know when to not hug so i find it appropriate in most circumstances. i told him "thank you for sharing your girls. i know it wasn't by choice but we sure have loved them. and everyone they come in contact with says the same thing. you really have 3 very special kids." and their dad is a real quiet guy and he smiled and said he agreed, they were very special. then their mom came out and i hugged her too and told her congrats on getting the kids back. the girls were really excited. then the girls came running back out of the house "you gotta come see our rooms!!" but i told them we needed to ask their mom if that was ok. she said sure. so i went in and saw their rooms and their dolls and their dressers. they were super excited and just running wild all over the place finding their bearings. but then the case worker asked us if we'd be comfortable giving them our phone number and i said "absolutely!" so we exchanged phone numbers. the girls wanted me to tell their parents about our church so i told them about it. they only live about 5 minutes away from it, whereas we live a half an hour away from it. so it's super close for them. i told them younger loved it, older sometimes liked it other times didn't care for it but it's a very accepting church and not real hymny or anything like that. then the kids' case worker said "oh, my brother-in-law is the children's leader there." i said "scott?!" "ya!" weird. small world. anyway, if they come YAY YAY YAY and if they don't, i understand. but we mulled around for a half hour or so and then i said "well, i guess we better get going and let you guys be a family again." but i hugged their dad one more time and said "we're here to support you guys as a family unit so if there's anything we can do please don't ever hesitate to call. we love you guys and support you and anything we can do to make things easier, please let us know." then i went outside and hugged their mom and told her what i had told the kids' dad and she thanked me again. and i know she means it. it was really a special time and i could feel the love and support from all of my friends and family that have been keeping us in their prayers. i didn't cry-and i think knowing where they live and having their phone number really really helped make the transition much easier for me.
we then went and had a well deserved beer and a burrito with MEAT and came home and watched "he's just not that into you" cute movie. and best of all, it didn't involve miley cyrus.


Elizabeth Angelo said...

wow - you guys are amazing. so glad that you get to keep in touch with their family. i think you will always be a really important part of the girls' lives. and yes, i'm sure that beer was well-deserved! ;)

All Girls 1337 said...

Cheri ~ what a blessing for all of you to remain in touch...even just a little is wonderful! i'll message you on facebook later...hugs

Natalie said...

Gosh, I'm over here crying!