Thursday, March 26, 2009


I have been wanting a snow day ALL winter. And finally we got it! After I went to work. HA! They kept telling us this last week "tomorrow's the day-we're gonna get a foot of snow tomorrow" and then I wake up and NOTHING. No snow. Last night when they said it I didn't even hope. Until we woke up and sure enough there was about 3 or 4 inches on the ground. Woohoo! Wasn't a foot, but it covered most of the new spring grass. I got up, took Tatum running because she loves the snow. Went to work and then bam it came down! And came down and came down and came down. Finally at 11:30 we realized we all needed to start heading home. Paul came up from work to pick me up in the pick up because my little civic couldn't make it back home. It took him 2 hours to get the 15 miles up to get me.
We came home and I made some cookies and I have some left over chili from the other day that I can heat up for dinner. Here are some pictures.
This is the look Tatum gave me AFTER her 2 mile romp in the snow when she realized the snowballs were sticking to her legs.

Here is a picture of our front porch and Paul scooping out the snow. I LoVe SnOw!!!!

Daddy's so wonderful. He picks the snowballs out of Tatum's legs so she can sit down again.

In other news M'Lady's dad passed away last night. I feel like a real big meanie now after getting into it with her on Monday and then this. Jeesh. What a jerk I turned out to be. But she has been MUCH nicer to me ever since AND she's been available by phone to me. Which is hUgE. And I realized that I was wearing the same exact outfit when I got into the big to-do with the son. Maybe that outfit makes my inner super-hero come out. I may have to watch out when I wear that turtleneck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I only wish I could get a show day for that much snow on the ground! You should come up and visit me during the winter some time. I'll show you a snow day!

Enjoy your day off!
