Wednesday, February 18, 2009

put up your DUKES!

Well, I kinda pulled a cheri-doozy tonight. i might not have a job by morning. ha!
here's how it started:
Brad: what kind of shoes are those?
Cheri': simple. these were the first shoes i bought when i got off the trail because my feet were too big for all my other shoes.
Jarrod: is that documented somewhere?
Cheri': ask any thru-hiker.
Jarrod: i'm more of a true hiker than you. i could out-hike you up any hill sweetheart. (and then he blew me a kiss.)
Cheri': no-THRU-hiker, not TRUE hiker.
Jarrod: (going on and on about what a great hiker he is completely oblivious to the fact that i'm telling him THRU not TRUE.)
Brad: "thru-hiker?"
Cheri': ya, it means you hiked the whole trail at once. and if you've hiked all 3 long trails you're a triple crowner.
Jarrod: (still going on and on about what a great hiker he is-and no one is listening.)
So i went back to my office and Jarrod calmed down enough to hear my words. and he said "OH! I misunderstood you. do you forgive me?" "Sure, you're forgiven."
It's overwith right? Nooooo! Jarrod keeps going on and on with Brad. I can't REALLY make out what he's saying and I don't really have any interest. But then I hear him say "So this is how you forgive people huh? You don't look at them?"
I said "no! I've already forgiven you. I forgave you 2 or 3 times already!"
Jarrod: OOOOOh! Ok. So this is how it's gonna be.
Cheri': No! you're forgiven!!
Jarrod: (still going with the forgiven crap.)
Cheri': That's it. I gotta go.
I got up, forwarded my phone. Grabbed my purse. Went to forward Diane's phone because at this point it's 5:27 and I get off at 5:30. I have YET to leave a minute before 5:30 until today.
So he goes: Are you really leaving.
Me: YES! I've forgiven you. And you know what, you don't always know what you're talking about. I've spent more time in the woods than any guy you know. And I deserve respect for what I know about hiking. I don't demand respect for alot of things, but this is something I know about. I don't tell you how to take pictures and I respect that you know things about sales and all kinds of stuff, but this is something I know about.
Jarrod: listen sweetheart....
Cheri': AND THAT'S ANOTHER THING...DON'T CALL ME SWEETHEART WHEN WE'RE FIGHTING! (I'd prefer he never do it, but frankly it doesn't bother me so I pick my battles.)
Then he went on to blow smoke about how he does know about hiking and going on and on and i finally go "this fight is stupid!"
And I left. And called M'Lady (his mom) and left her a voicemail: "I just got into a fight with Jarrod. I just wanted you to know because I'm sure he'll be calling you. And it wasn't even about was about HIKING! and then he was mad at me for not forgiving him right! So I left. It's 5:30 now...feel free to call me tonight if you need to. Otherwise, I'll talk to you in the morning."
Then he calls and leaves me a long long message about how he respects me and blabidy blahbidy blah! and call him back so he can sleep tonight because he feels so bad. So I called him back and said "it's Cheri'. Look...I'm not mad at you..but you have to know, it's OK to not know everything. Sometimes you need to shut your mouth and open your ears and listen. You might LEARN something!" and he apologized all over himself-which is what I was looking for. And I said "you guys think I'm so passive...I'm not passive-I just don't CARE about alot of stuff. You can talk me under the table about quilting or running or any of my other hobbies but I KNOW hiking. I know thru-hiking, I know long-distance hiking. I'm one of 5% of the people that finish-and that's just the people who TRY. Only .0035% of the adults in the US has done what I've done. I KNOW hiking."
So...I've said my peace, stuck up for myself and things JUST might change around there.


Del Angelo said...

Ohhhh Cheri, I guess now they will know you can be assertive!!!! And by the way, I think they will never again approach the hiking subject!!!!
:) Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, only you!

rachelle said...

You are awesome. I love you!!

Elizabeth Angelo said...

LOL. I can't believe he calls you sweetheart in the office! Who raised that kid? Oh wait . . .

Mrs. Jones said...

Oh Cheri - I don't know whatelse to say but - Oh Cheri! :)

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! I love your stories...nothing exciting ever happens here..we type all day long and then go home. Sigh.

Brock said...

I'm seriously going to deck him just cuz he called my sister "sweetheart". What is this? Texarkana?

Ida just kicked his ass.

All Girls 1337 said...

ok, so, let me get this straight...have you HIKED before??? hehehehehe!!! I loved it!!! way to go sista! :-)