we also got mattresses today. thank GOODNESS! i got the beds made up - now i just have to finish the yellow/orange border and the 2nd bed is done. however, i used raggedy anne and andy sheets for the boy bed and paul informed me that he doesn't think those are boy enough. i may need to get new sheets. but i'll wait until we have our placement because if we end up with all girls it doesn't matter what boy sheets i get. my first quilt is this pink one. it finally has a purpose. i made it 8 years ago and have never really used it other than when guests come. it's been another weekend of errands.
in other news. i have an interview tuesday morning at the company i used to work for. unfortunately, it's an hour, about an hour and a half during commuting time, away from where we live. and because we are really needing to stay in our county for the foster situation...it just may not work. i'm still going to go and see if they even make me an offer. maybe i'm over qualified for what they are looking for. i don't know. i'd LOVE to get back into a big corporation but i'm just not sure that's going to be a realistic option. *sigh* pray for me if you think about it.
the bed looks so pretty
and I will try to remember to pray tomorrow for you. Just in case I will do it tonight
Hi Cheri,
I just wanted to say hi and that I love you and am so glad you're my friend and seeing your bunk beds makes me smile for you! I sent good, sincere thoughts into the universe for you. I'm too crunchy for praying.
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