Thursday, February 19, 2009


ok so get this. i'm not a super spiritual person. i try to be. i'm just not. doesn't mean i'm going to a lesser heaven-so don't go there-i know some of you just did. anyhow-i've really been holding out on buying a bunch of the stuff we need for foster certification because i just want to see how god will provide. so today i emailed our homestudy worker to see if we need the fireplace screen that is required. in my mind they are talking about wood fireplaces that could have sparks fly out. but appearantly, since our gas fireplace gets hot on the metal parts it means us too. so i look on craigslist and wah-lah...there's a fireplace screen FREE, 10 days ago. bummer! but i think-what they hey-it's still listed. so today on my lunch hour i drove over there and sure-n-dug there it was sitting right up next to the fence on the curb! 10 DAYS! so i snagged it. and tonight after work paul is going down to lakewood to buy a baby seat and a toddler seat for the car for a whopping $35. i checked the recall list and they aren't on there. so yippy, right? and then there's a woman trying to get rid of her highchair...$10!!!! what the?! so paul's gonna go get that after the car seats. so for a whopping $45 today we are gonna get 2 car seats, a highchair and a fireplace screen. now we just need those twin mattresses. i know they're coming from somewhere i just KNOW it.
**Edited to say the lady with the highchair didn't come through but the car seats are awesome. We made out like bandits on that front. It's weird to have baby seats in our house.**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's amazing what happens when we totally expect things from God. He really does like us, you know.