we had a great time at our anniversary fondue date night. it was delicious and we left stuffed like little piggies. my hair didn't look so great because that morning i took tatum on her morning walk. waved goodbye to paul as he drove past in the truck. meandered slowly back to the townhouse. turned the knob and realized paul had locked the door when he left. so i ran to buster's house and josie answered in her robe. thank god for josie. however, we JUST gave our key that dave & josie had back to jamie so she could show the townhouse. soooooo...paul had to drive back. i did enjoy a nice cup of coffee with josie. however, i got back in the house at 7:30. which is normally the time that i'm coming downstairs to eat breakfast. luckily i had washed my hair the afternoon before so i could make it with out washing it....i would have loved to have washed it BUT i've made it longer than that before. anyhow i did make it to work with a minute to spare even. then i took tatum for her vaccinations over lunch. she did TERRIFIC! then i came home after work, honked the horn and paul came out and we went down to dinner. ahhhh. we were trying to get back by 8:00 so paul could watch the new episode of heros but at 8:20 when we were picking out which chocolate fondue would complete our feast, we realized we weren't gonna make it. now THAT is love that i'm willing to rush our anniversry dinner for his favorite show, dontchyathink?
when we came home we found that tatum had gotten a little stir crazy and helped herself to the tissue in the downstairs trash can. little booger. what IS it about tissue? do you think she knows she did a no-no?
HAHA - that picture with Tatum is PERFECT! That is really a classic shot Cheri.
So glad your anniversary was a good one. Was thinking of you guys on that day and did not get a chance to call.
I love the pitcure with Tatum! So cute!
Congratulations with your anniversary (I know its late....) and Jackie got a hold of a box of tissues the other day, and made our TV room look like we had an indoor snowstorm!
Happy Anniversary! Your dog is the cutest thing! My Mya will do that sometimes too...the looks on their faces are priceless :)
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