we got the first call tonight. actually. it was this afternoon. at 2:37 pm (mountain time) in case you felt the earth shake. it was a little scary. our home study worker called. she was giggling when she called. she's really REALLY funny. she giggles and you can't tell WHAT she's thinking behind that mischievous giggle. so she goes "it's Kathryn. are you nervous?!" I said "well, yes...should I be?" and she giggled "No. Congratulations, you passed." Whew. Then we exchanged a few pleasantries that I can't really remember because my ears were ringing. But basically we have our social worker, who is Erin. We've already met her and she's super super cool. So she will call us next and tell us what the next step is. It should be that we will now go to monthly meetings because she has too many families to go to everyone's houses. Then we will get respite care phone calls. (respite care is glorified babysitting.) I said "So what age are we approved for?" "0-7...buuuut I can't remember what they decided on the older sibling. I think it's 0-7 and they'll keep it in mind that you're open to that. They debated what to do on that and I can't remember what they decided." see, I told you she was funny. So she didn't call back so that means we are approved for 0-7 and we will get our official certification in the mail soon.
I'm a little nervous. I'm excited. I'm glad they didn't approve us for 0-17 or something crazy. I think I can handle 7. I
think. But she did tell me she wants me to still do older kids in respite care. So when they call I need to tell them that we need some older kids. We'll see how that all works out. Pray for us. It's kinda scary to spell it all out.
In other news...I put the border on Sophia Bee's quilt. And I chose a back. It will be black. I know what you're thinking "black? for a baby quilt?" I emailed my sister-in-law and asked "morbid or striking?" and she said you can never go wrong with black. I toyed around with reds, and a watermelon color and some yellows, but they just didn't do it for me. So, black it is. And I'm going to look for some cute black fabric for the binding but for whatever reason all the fabric designers right now have decided black only matches white. why not little cherry blossoms, or flowers? so I've got some time. I have to quilt the whole thing before the binding goes on anyway. oh-and here's a picture of it with the border on it.
Congratulations on passing your home study!!!
How exciting!!!! You will be an amazing blessing to whatever age or child(ren) have the privilege of coming to your home. Cute quilt too - and black makes perfect sense to me - love black.
Awesome! so incredibly excited for you! you will be blessed for sure and have days of complete exhaustion! LOL....it will all be worth it!
LOVE the quilt!! and i recognize a few of those fabrics. :) will you come bind mine for me!!?!? it's been quilted for ages and i just need to finish it. oh, erica...
wow - can't believe it has happened so fast. It sure seemed fast to me. :-) Congrats - that is a really huge accomplishment.
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