tatum just pulled a george bush. it's snowing out and she LOVES the snow. i was making dinner. i got it to the point that i could walk away, bundled up in my best woolen mittens and hat, grabbed the leash and off we went. well as soon as we got out there we heard our neighbor calling tucker. tucker is a 140 pound chocolate lab that lives in the next building. tucker is a very bad boy. he's a bully. to people and to dogs. we learned that the hard way with tucker dragging his 80 pound owner by the leash one time all the while she's screaming "tucker NO! tucker STOP! tucker HEEL!" ya right, like NOW's the time to convince me he's trained. tatum doesn't even know what heel means and she speaks english. needless to say she wasn't as interested in staying out and playing in the snow since tucker was on the loose. so we came back inside and while i was taking my snowy boots off at the door she ran into the kitchen real quick. past her water bowl. past her food bowl. and beyond where i could see her. then she grabbed a toy and came out to where she thought she would no longer be connected with the scene of the crime and began to eat her toy really really super quick. i could not quite make out what the heck toy it was until i realized it was one of the pieces of chicken i had on the counter!!! see the blue plate in the background? and the sheepish look on her face? ya, she got jail time for that one. all i said was "CRIB!!!!" and she tucked her butt and ran up here into her crib. crazy dog.
I'm sowwy Mom, weally, I walked into the room and it jump down my thwoat..well almost, but I couldn't help it. Mom, hey mom, ????? Are you gonna tell Dad? Huh mom??? Honest I didn't mean to!!!!
I tried to comment too but it didn't go thru....it NEVER goes through. Can't somebody help me ?????????????????????
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