Tuesday, November 25, 2008


well, we got a call from the adoption service yesterday. alex had so much response they had to take his profile down and stop taking applications on him for now. we can check back in a couple weeks to see if none of those families panned out and try again. i feel a bit aimless to not have somebody to hope for.
she said i could go on their web page and look at other children. problem is, i can't even pick out a CHRISTMAS tree because i feel so bad for the others left behind. when we got tatum i told the breeder to bring us the puppy nobody else wanted. we have a fake christmas tree now because of all of the tearful goodbyes we had to say to christmas tree lots. so....we'll see.

1 comment:

Erica said...

praying for you guys! we are excited that you guys are exploring the adoption route. then we can learn the ropes from you! :) xoxo, e