and here's another one of me crossing the finish line. i'm looking at paul and paul is looking at me and tatum is watching him. she had no idea where i was. tom and hope (paul's parents) came out to cheer me on. they were all standing at mile 12, and hope was holding the leash. so i ran over and bent down and pet tatum but she was so confused that she only noticed me for a second and then i was gone. so by the finish she had made herself completely sick. so funny. maybe i spend too much time with her. is there such a thing when, really, she's a therapy dog for me anyway?
this half marathon really kicked my butt. the last mile i questioned myself more than once if i was going to make it. when i finally rounded the corner and saw the finish line i knew i could make it. then i saw the finish clock and my legs took off from underneath me and i booked it. however, the MOMENT i crossed the line i knew i was seconds from puking. there were people taking the chip bands. i wore mine on my arm because i couldn't stand how it felt on my ankle and thank GOD i didn't have to bend down to take it off because my frosted mini wheats would have made an unpleasant mark on the race. i handed my band off super fast and headed in the direction of gatoraide only to be stopped by a woman wanting the little strip off of my number. i thought oh lady-you better be quick! i ripped it off without looking down and stuck it in her hand. i'm sure i was not the first delirious runner she'd seen all day. and then like a beacon in the night, there were children of the lord handing out popsicles. you know the kind in the plastic tube? one cutting off the top, one handing them out. i didn't even care if it was the lime one. i grabbed it, luckily i got the pink flavor. who knows what that flavor even is? maybe strawberry. but you can see the big smile on my face as i'm sucking it down in one clamp of the teeth around that plastic tube.
and here's another cute one of me stretching. it really has nothing to do with the race, i just look really cute.
I am so impressed. Have I told you that the longest run I have ever done in my LIFE was 6 miles? Right after that i decided i hated cross country and greatly exaggerated my sciatica injury so I could quit in the middle of the seaseon. So, yeah, I am very impressed with you! :)
that is so awesome - added a couple of those pics to my background switcher - congrats!
Look at you and your cute little running outfit! haha
Tatum is adorable and oh, so shaggy (that's a compliment). I just want to play with all of her hair.
Congrats again to you!!!
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