ok so it's the end of month again which in escrow talk means everyone turns into mr. hyde and it's a very scary time of month to work in title and escrow. this is my job. i watch bank accounts and when money comes in i put it into files and tell attorneys they have money to spend. then they tell me where to spend it, then i tell them when their little spending spree is done or when they have more funds to get rid of. my goal is to get every file to zero by the end of the day but sometimes it just doesn't happen that way. i should also mention that i work with a woman who is bipolar and everyone else in the office is afraid to give her things because she's not very easy to work with and if you question her like "how's the weather?" she'll burst into tears and scream at you for assuming she has anything to do with the lousy weather. she's crazy. but she's still there because i work for a very passive aggressive company that, instead of addressing their employees and saying "you did this, please don't do it again. here's what will happen if you do", they just take duties away but never pay. the payrate never changes. just the duties. its very interesting. we have one lady who shops for tea pots on ebay every day. she used to have actual duties on top of shopping for teapots. don't get me wrong, part of her job in no way entails shopping for teapots but since all of her other duties have been stripped away slowly and silently it has become her only duty. another woman comes in and works sometimes, sometimes she comes in and doesn't work and other times she doesn't come in at all and claims she was working the whole day by cell phone and email. even though if you send her an email at 8:00 am it won't be answered until, at the earliest, 4:00pm so don't get any ideas. sometimes she comes in very late or leaves very early and the excuses are very very good. not very accurate, but entertaining none the less. my two favorites so far are: i was so tired that i fell asleep on the train. and i fell asleep so hard that i slept all the way to the end of the line. twice. (yep-she really said that to fellow employees.) my other favorite is: i have to go home, my husband called and all of the kids are upset because the ferrets are sick. for real. oh and did i mention she's the office manager? well, she's the office manager in the same sense that dwight shrute is the office manager but you get the idea.

so i'm sad to say as much as it gives me enormous amounts of entertainment, i'm going to start looking for another job. maybe. i've been saying this for 2 of the 3 years i've worked there but tonight i actually updated my resume. i know it sounds cheesy but i'm going to pray about it over the weekend and apply maybe sunday night to a couple of positions. i love love love working with numbers. i'd be an accountant if it didn't require going back to school but my fascination with numbers is actually so intense that i've seriously considered going back to school and getting my degree even though it would mean going back to school.
oh and my
half marathon is in the morning so i gotta go to sleep. so incredibly excited for that.
Ha! I always like hearing about your coworkers :) So exciting to think about you trying something new, though. You would make a terrific accountant, Cheri'!
I, too, like numbers. I took an accounting class in high school and it was my most favoritest of all high school classes. (Hey Liz! Go Maroons!) I often wonder why I didn't go into that or massage therapy. I guess if teaching doesn't work out and I ever pay of my 35K in student loans I'll try something else. Argh.
You love numbers? Oooh, a girl after my own heart. You're right, your co-workers are certifiable!
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