Tuesday, April 6, 2010


sooooooo i have found that now that i'm not making a paycheck i need a LOT of validation. not in the "the house looks great" "dinner's delicious" "you're the best wife in the world" kind of way. but in a "oh my gosh-am i really a contributing member of society?" way. i never saw it coming. but this last week i was pissed at paul all week long and finally i sat down and thought about what, exactly, it was that he was not giving me and i realized....nothing. this is how our life just is, i just never had the time to notice it. i'm over it now. but it was an eye-opener. i've never looked at other stay-at-home mom's and wondered what their purpose in life was. or if they were doing their part to make the world turn. but apparently in some tiny corner of my mind i thought my working in title, escrow and real estate for the past 8 years is what has kept the economy ticking. ha! guess the world turns just fine with out me making a paycheck. shocker.


Elizabeth Angelo said...

I felt the same way after E&E were born - I realized all we talked about was B's work / mtgs etc, largely because my day was a blur of diapers and feedings - and who wants to relive that? I would bet every mom goes through some kind of adjustment like that. You just have to believe you are doing very, very important work (and you are!).

Faith said...

You are making a HUGE difference in the life of those two sweeties you have. And that's more important than any title or escrow document.

Brock said...

It was easier for Liz, because fortunately I do make the world turn, so we actually did have something to talk about.
