Friday, April 16, 2010

god's annoyed with my bossiness

so i keep telling you all how to pray and what direction we want things to go and then yesterday we went to court aaaaaand...i can post all of this because it happened in open court.....found out that both of our birth parents signed the relinquishment papers on both kids! what that means for most foster parents is WAHOO! THEY'RE OURS! but for us it means WOW WE ARE ONE STEP CLOSER. i only say this because i still have to guard myself a little bit. but now it's just a teeeny weeeeny tiny bit. they will still have 30 days to make sure they fully understand what they signed and that they are in agreement with what they signed. at that point the paperwork will begin for us to adopt them. peanut may lag behind sweet pea because of the timing of his birth vs. the timing of her case and the fact that they've had 7 more months to work on sweet pea's relinquishment. but at this point we can breathe easy and wait for paperwork. in all intensive purposes THEY ARE OURS!!!!! don't congratulate me just yet though. i'm still guarding that 1% chance. i kept waking up all night thinking "oh my gosh they signed. they really signed!"
and today i found out that no matter how uncle was doing on his home study because both parents wish the kids to be adopted together that DOES trump kin. so another answer to prayer there.


Natalie said...

Wow..That's crazy intense. Crazy..crazy..crazy. I don't know how you do, I would be a nervous wreck all the time. Nice job Chica!!

Brock said...

I'm not congratulating you!!! YES!!! I'm so excited that I'm not congratulating you!!! :D

Elizabeth Angelo said...

very, very good news!! :)