Wednesday, February 17, 2010

we've got kidS

well, he's here. we didn't know until 5pm if he would make it to our house or go to kin that mysteriously stepped forward. but that family member didn't realize the lifelong commitment they were making. they sort of understood it to be a temporary thing. time will tell if they move forward or not but i'm hoping they will understand the severity of that decision. if i had any friends on facebook considering fostering, they sure won't be thinking about it after yesterday. that was some drama roller coaster! i'm so exhausted i'm having the strangest dreams!
the case worker told me he scored a 10 on the APGAR test. by midnight i believed her. she said i'd need to wake him to eat every 2 hours. by 1am i'd turned off all my alarms. boy lets you know when he needs something. he's gonna be bigger than his sister and no time and then i'm going to have to deal with "twins!"
he's soooooo precious. he's perfect in every way. and sweet pea? is THE best sister there ever was. when he came in the door we were eating dinner and the case worker put him down on the floor in his seat and me and paul went over to look at him. then sweet pea said from her chair "uh! uh! uh!" i went and got her and the three of us got him out of his seat. she wanted to sit on my lap where he was so daddy took over peanut and i held sweet pea. daddy fed him his first bottle at home and pretty soon sweet pea was touching his hair, then she'd touch her hair. then she'd touch his cheek, then she'd touch my cheek. then she'd poke his eye, then she'd poke her eye. then i was burping him and she came up and patted his back to help him burp. just SO precious to him. i couldn't believe how affectionate she was with him. i said "i'm so glad you love him so much. pretty soon you're going to ask me to send him back." and our case worker laughed and said "she's gonna think everybody gets babies at the door."
our first night was a success. up every couple hours to eat a good ounce and a half or so of formula. couple poopie diapers and one fart break and we're ready for day 3 of life. day 1 together.
keeping everything crossed that this will be forever and that we have our first two kiddos under our roof for good.


Anonymous said...

looks like an effortless first night. I am sure SP is just thinking he is a guest :)

Anonymous said...

I hope the same thing! Such amazing news and I'm sure it was totally worth the rollercoaster. :) It certainly hasn't changed MY mind about foster care! I am hopeful for a smooth process from here on out. Welcome, baby Peanut!!!

Susanna said...

So happy for you! it sounds like your two kiddos are definitely keepers :)