Saturday, February 13, 2010

settling in....

i don't know what it is but today i finally was ready to get ready. i know it sounds strange. but since we found out i haven't been ready to open our 0-3 month box of clothes and see what we had to even know what i needed. i hadn't dug out the baby seat or really made any official arrangements. but today, i got inspired. after sweet pea woke up from her nap we went shopping for baby brother/sister clothes. we went to once upon a child only to find out that everything they had is gender specific. EVERYTHING. not one yellow or green item with out ruffles or butterflies or flowers on it. it was odd. but then i ran into goodwill and dug through their baby bin and found 5 or 6 outfits all yellow or green or white or brown that are gender neutral enough to get me through the first week. i also realized all of my baby girl clothes that are 0-3 months all have ruffles and butterflies and is pretty much pink. i guess i went pink-crazy last summer when sweet pea came home to us. and it's all summer stuff. but i'm good for now...once i know the gender and then once i know what the judge is going to do in the first few days, i'll go out and get tons more gender specific stuff. this afternoon i took apart the baby seat-including the straps-and washed the whole thing. it looks so clean i can practically see it shimmering from here. like those little cartoon stars are going to glisten and go "bing!" all around it. so now...i'm ready. i've got clothes. i've got the seat ready to go in the car. i've told my boss. i'm ready.


Elaine Angelo said...

Tick, tock! Now to wait it out!

Anonymous said...

Yayy!!! Lot of prep happening I see :)