this morning was sweet pea's very first ever swim lesson. she LOVES the tub so i thought it would be a good thing for her to be able to be comfortable in the water. she was amazing! she cried a little bit-the water was FREEZING! but she did
great! whenever the instructor needed someone for an example, she used sweet pea. she kicked her feet. she jumped off the side to me. she put her face in the water, she didn't blow bubbles so much but she'll get there. she laid on her back and kicked her feet. she laid on her tummy and kicked her feet. i can't wait until next week. i already know i'm gonna spend her christmas money from aunt ruth & uncle paul and mudders on new swim lessons once these are over.
That's a very nice picture.. She is cute!!! Can't wait to see her.
Soooo cute! What a great idea for the Christmas money! :)
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