Thursday, July 30, 2009

We're #1! We're #1!....The County that is...not us.

Yesterday was all of the meetings regarding Sweet Pea's future. It went....ok. It's foster. What can I say? You just don't know ANYTHING until the judge slams the gavel. I guess, all I know for now is that we still get to be her foster parents today.
Ok-I'll be honest. This sucks. We love her way more than her bio family ever could and we've had her a week. They had her 13 months and the way I see it they failed at loving her. She's already walking, talking and teeth are coming in from 2 weeks of intense TLC and nutrition. She's a little bug and we love absolutely everything about her. She slept from 9pm last night to 6am this morning and I woke up disappointed that I didn't get to cuddle her at 1am. She LOVES us. I think she said moma last night. I know we probably shouldn't teach her to call us that-but that's our role. And frankly, I think it's weird to teach her that we're just plain old Cheri and Paul. WE are the only parents she's ever known. I don't understand why, if they are TRULY looking for the best interest of the child, they wouldn't consider US #1 with out looking any further. No matter what kin they find for her, we will love her way more unconditionally than anyone else out there.
End of Rant
That being said, our county is #1 in the NATION for finding kin for adoption and/or long term options. We are hoping with every fiber in our beings that no one shows up or is capable of getting through the home study.



Lea said...

I'm sending good thoughts and lots of hope that things will work out for you 3.

mudders said...

oh, i know you want her so much. . I hope and pray that everything works out for the 3 of you. God knows your desires and also wants the best for all 3 of you.

Brock said...

will definitely be praying - it sounds like she is very lucky to be a part of your lives

All Girls 1337 said...

ugha!!! i feel this emotion so much! it will happen! keep loving her up!

Kristin said...

Wow Cheri--thank you for sharing. I can tell how much you love this little one!!