Wednesday, July 29, 2009

words...sort of

on friday night we were telling sweet pea that tatum is our doggie. doggiedoggiedoggiedoggie. and she sort of said doggie in the midst of babble. well sunday morning we were having breakfast and i just talk to her every moment of the day. so with every bite it's "oatmeal?" "blueberries?" "banana?" and then she said "bayaya?" every sylable exactly, even the flex in my tone, the b sound and the a sounds.

a foster friend of ours has given us old supplies that her kids aren't using anymore so now when she eats i have spoons and forks that she can use. i was letting her feed herself and with every bite i'd say "good job!!" after a while she got tired of working and just started smearing it everywhere so i took her spoon away. in sheer frustration she grabbed her bangs and huffed "YOB!" she was mad i took her "good job" spoon away. *ah* precious!

she has a lot of hair and i bought some clippy bows to put in her hair. she loves it. i put them in and say "PRETTY!!!!" last night i was changing her diaper and she felt the top of her head and then patted it like i had forgotten to put it in there. she wanted to look pretty because uncle ben and aunt katie had come over with their baby that is 16 months and we hadn't seen yet (they live in tennessee).

then this morning on our way to our first day of daycare, i think i shook the whole way there, i had forgotten to get her apple juice. i typically give her "apple juice" or "fishy crackers" for long car rides to entertain her. we got about a half a mile from home and she cried "aya oo!!" oops...forgot the apple juice. i promised her i WON'T forget tomorrow.

and one more quick thing, while i was prepping dinner last night and she was playing with our neice, sweet pea crawled into the kitchen, grabbed my legs to stand, i turned around and made eye contact, and that was all she wanted. she toddled off as if to say she was just checking in. it melted my heart. that's a huge step for bonding when a baby or child comes and touches base with their parent. ugh! she's bonding!!!!


mudders said...

she certainly doesn't appear to be shy and afraid as some babies would be. Thanks so much for being our Angelo "John Boy", Trust you will know what that means.

Brock said...

that is so sweet - the coming into the kitchen part sounds just precious