Sunday, December 20, 2009

update on super cute things sweet pea does....

when i walk through the snow and then get to the sidewalk i stomp my feet. then at our door we have a metal grate door mat and i stomp my feet on there to make sure i got all the snow off. well now sweet pea walks through the snow and then gets on the sidewalk and stomps her feet. and it's so dang cute because she can't lift her feet up that high-so it's like a little muppet stomping their feet. and then she gets to the metal grate and she does it again.
tonight we were eating dinner and i was tapping my fingers while i was she started tapping her fingers just to see what it was all about.
it's amazing the way she mimics EVERY thing we do. it's almost scary. and tonight she gave me a smile with her lips closed and stuck her chin out and wiggled her head back and forth. and i realized i give her that smile ALL the time. and she's giving it back to me.
and you know that game paul plays with her where he says "i" and he points to himself, and then he says "looooove....YOU!" and points to her. well now when he says "i" she points to herself and when he says "love you!" she points her finger at him and touches the tip of his finger. she is soooo dang cute.
her favorite book right now is brown bear brown bear, and for those of you that don't read children's books 20 times a day it basically says "brown bear brown bear what do you see?" and then brown bear says "i see a red bird looking at me" and then i go "ROAR!" and then we turn the page. and every animal has a different voice. then red bird says "i see a yellow duck looking at me" and then i whistle and she looks up at my lips and sees how i whistle and she forms a whistle shape with her lips. then later in the book it's a goldfish and the goldfish "sees a teacher looking at me" and when i say the line i wiggle my tongue back and forth in my mouth to make it sound like i'm talking under water and she does the same thing-with out making the's just the motion. ugh! she kills me with her mimicing. it's so cute!
i can't WAIT for christmas to see her figure out unwrapping presents and to see her stocking full of fun stuff.


Del Angelo said...

Isn't she the cutest little person???!!!!!!

Faith said...
