Saturday, December 19, 2009

i do love those girls

tonight we did a drive-by-christmasing of our first foster girls and their little brother. i couldn't get ahold of the kids' mom...for some reason her phone kept going into a voicemail that said wasn't set up yet. ?? weird. our church is just a few miles from their new house so after church we just drove by with the presents we got them for christmas. oh my gosh those kids are cute. we walked in the door and they all came RUNNING to us all hugs. i love that. LOVE. THAT. then little brother looked in the bag with the presents and said "i know what those are!!!!" and so i handed them each a present. we got one for little brother too because i didn't want to leave him out. they all LOVED their games. i gave older the game life, younger the game guess who, and little brother the game candyland. we were trying to get them entertaining and free things. they each ripped open their games and handed me the directions and said "read these!" while they tore the pieces off to assemble their games. oh man-they are so funny. but we couldn't stay long since we arrived at sweet pea's bed time and they live 30 minutes away from us so we had to get home. but it was so cute and so fun and oh man, it just makes my spirit feel like it got a hug to see them again and get all the hugs and "i miss you's" and "i love you's" from them.
and their mom told me she saw sweet pea at the visit building and sweet pea recognized her! how crazy is that?

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