Friday, May 13, 2011

the most tactful response ever

today i went to the park with my friend suzanne and baby g. and there was a woman there with blonde hair and her dark as night adopted child from africa. it was clear that she wasn't the birth mom because even if the birth dad were the darkest skinned man on earth it would be genetically impossible to have this dark of a child and be her birth mom. which, of course, leads to questions. which usually leads to more questions. and anyone that makes eye contact is then forced into the Q and A session of this baby's origin and then *gasp* a nosy nelly mom did it. she asked the dreaded question to all adoptive parents. we all know it's coming but most people with a shred of tact stop themselves short before asking " you know her story?"
ok..this would be equivalent to me walking up to your best friend, with you standing there, and ask what the most painful/humiliating/rip the bandaid off moment has ever been in your life. i will only say this once: IT IS NONE OF YOUR FREAKING BUSINESS!!! if you want to know "someone's story" adopt a child yourself and know that child's story. if that doesn't clear it up for you it would be equivalent to me grilling you on the night of conception of your birth child. do you want to share that intimate moment? probably not. does it matter if you were doing it missionary or doggie? again no. NONE OF MY FRIGGIN' BUSINESS.
so next time you are at the park, or at the store, or at story time at the library and someone walks in with a child you suspect might have been adopted why don't you open with how your child was conceived instead of starting with how their child came into their family.
suzanne and i were both very impressed with the woman's response. as you can tell mine would not ever qualify for the most tactful response ever. hers was simply this: "we do know her story, and we want her to be the first one to hear it." and upon hearing that i wanted to be her best friend. as we all know, i could use a little more tact.


cocomarmalade said...

I am amazed at the mother's grace and the nosybody's lack of any social where-with-all whatsoever. These are the things that make me worry about the potential of trying for a donor egg child. Is everyone that I come across going to look at me and my child sideways trying to figure out where he/she got their chin? It's maddening, and sad.

Nicole said...

tact or no tact I personally LOVE the way you put things.

I want to be standing next to you when you ask 'missionary or doggie' in response to someone asking about your babies story. Oh to see the look on their face!

love you girl!

lisamariepink said...

LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! that response! I will remember that and will happily use it if ever faced with that question. Now if i could only come up with a tactful response to: Are all of these kids yours?!