can you see what he's doing??? he's brushing his teeth. by himself. standing at the sink. and able to reach the water.
there are so. many. things. wrong with this picture!!!
you see, karyssa couldn't do that until a few precious months ago. she was too short. so we got that step stool so she could at least touch the tip of her toothbrush with the water but she still needed help. not asher. he can climb up the stepstool and get his toothbrush wet and brush his 3 little teeth all by himself.
it makes me sad.
probably more sad because those same little piggy tails in the background were just signed up for preschool this morning.
i'm so not ready.
i told my friend lisa that it's like those commercials where they are handing the car keys over to toddlers only for them to look back a second later and they are a teenager driving the car those keys belong to. STOP IT! i can't take it! let's face it, i was jipped a year. she came to us 13 months old. i can't help but feel like i was jipped of some of those months. but seriously-if i had 130 more months i still don't think i'd be ready for her to go to preschool. as i stood there watching her sitting in circle time and passing around the jars of caterpillars and butterflies, taking turns, albeit hers a little longer than all the other kids...i realized there's no going back. it's not like i can start her in preschool and then take it back. i can't make her be 2 1/2 again. i can't un-potty train her. well, technically i could but i'm enjoying those few more bucks a month only having to buy diapers for 1. i digress. all i'm saying is i am not ready for my baby to be standing at the sink brushing his own teeth and i'm certainly not ready to be handing over car keys. i guess i should just count my lucky stars that all i'm doing is signing her up for preschool. and letting her become the independent little thang that she is. piggy tails and all. *sniff*sniff*
That is too cute! Totally understandable btw. All parents hate to see their babies grow up. I look at my nephew who's three now, and always say, where did the time go?! I miss him as a lil baby. He was so cute. lol.
Your children are so adorable! Yes, kids grow up fast, but you can still enjoy them every step of the way. I know that it is difficult because we want them to be our little angels forever so we can protect them. That is only natural. I think that you have plenty of time to enjoy them now, and as they grow up and mature. They are still little kids so, you should not worry about them growing up on you too fast!
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