Tuesday, November 3, 2009

clap your hands!

this morning while putting on our shoes and socks (and by shoes, I mean her new pink boots because now she refuses to wear any other shoes even if it is 60 out today) i started singing "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands" and then i'd clap my hands. well then i was zipping up her boots so i clapped her hands together. and then i sang it again and paused long enough for her to catch on and then SHE started clapping her hands when i got to that part. is she really smart for 16 months or is it just me? she's so cute it kills me!


Del said...

Not only is she cute, she's smart too! Such a little peanut!

mudders said...

no doubt of it. she has to be the smartest, cutest little one ever. Love you both, all 3, all 4.