Friday, July 16, 2010

this is how i ate lunch today

come in from running errands holding the babyseat w/baby hercules on the left arm w/all bags and babybag keeping my right hand free to scoop up sweet pea in case of fits.

put peanut over the boppy pillow to get some tummy time in while i make lunch.

warm up sweet pea's hot dog and slice up her grapes.

check voicemails.

right another appointment on the calendar for 2 weeks out. thank god i had the calendar memorized for the next couple weeks because i get most business done in the car, then call myself and leave all the appointments on the machine. that's right-i am NOT a no phone zone. sorry oprah.

put bread in the toaster for my sandwich.

check peanut.

put ketchup and mustard on sweet pea's hot dog and get her in her booster seat.

start assembling my sandwich.

check peanut again. notice that somehow he has backed himself away from his boppy pillow by about a foot. not sure how he scooted backwards.

give sweet pea 2 chips (anymore and she'll eat all chips and no protein.)

finish putting my sandwich together and take it to the table.

check peanut. somehow now he's face forward OVER the boppy pillow. move him back to just his chest over the boppy.

sit down and take two bites then sweet pea needs a drink. grab a coke for me while i'm in there.

look at peanut to see he's standing on his legs with his chest on the boppy. no crying-so i leave him.

sit down and eat a little more. sweet pea wants another chip. negotiate that if she finishes her hot dog she can have more chips.

get myself more ketchup for my chips. (ya-it's how i roll-like crunchy french fries)

sit down and take another bite.

look up to see why peanut is screaming crying. notice he has face planted himself ON all the toys he was reaching to grab.

get a little excited that a) he's REALLY grabbing for things now and b) he's really close to crawling.

go put him in his exersaucer so that i might finish my sandwich without having to get up again.

come back to the table for sweet pea to push me her empty and very messy glass asking for more water.

get her water and come back to her saying "all done".

wash her off and tell her to go play so mommy can finish her sandwich.

tell her to go play and not climb on mommy's lap so i can STILL finish my sandwich.

finally get to finish my sandwich.

now it's time to get the kids up to naptime. but that's a whole 'nother post.

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