Wednesday, May 13, 2009

not happy

today was a pretty eventful day in the kids world. i picked them up from school and didn't get the usual hugs. ?? i said "what's up today?" younger says "sister got in a fight with everyone at school." "what?" then older tells me "school sucks and everybody hates me." knowing there was more to it i pryed "oh my goodness...what happened?!" she goes on to tell me that they were playing a game and then the boys split up and started playing separately, then the next thing she knows everyone is throwing gravel at her. ok-this is when my momma bear surfaced again. remember here when we stopped talking to bob & gracie? well...i kept asking very calmly "well why did that happen?" or "and then what?" pretty soon i was boiling mad. i found out the school counselor got involved and her teacher (who doesn't particularly care for her-don't get me started) almost cried when she was yelling at the class because she was so upset. now i know there are 2 sides to every story and i know she tells me just the parts she wants me to hear and i know i jump to conclusions. it's a family trait. i lovingly call it my italian side. so i brought myself down a notch and said "is there anything i should know before i go in there tomorrow with guns ablazing?" (by guns ablazing i do not mean real live guns-i meant my arms but i'm sure she thinks i'm going in packing heat.) and she goes "well the counselor said whoever doesn't apologize to me tomorrow has to stay in and write a report on respect." and i said "ok, i'll wait until friday then. so you'll tell me the truth right, you're not just going to tell me what i want to hear right?" and she said yes. i think it helped her see that me and the school counselor and her teacher are all on her side. bless her little heart. she was sobbing by the time she got to the car! grrrrr.


Natalie said...

Ah, poor lil pumpkin. Kids suck, I swear, the way some kids behave its so shocking...who would do something like that? so awful! No wonder why we were homeschooled for a few years. Kids are so mean and then you wonder what their parents are like. When you hear of kids being hateful, you wonder what their home life is like? Hang in there, give her a hug from me and tell her "Honey, people suck" :-)

Del Angelo said...

Bless her little heart! Kids can be so mean! It isn't like she doesn't have enough to deal with, but now this! Go ahead Mama Bear, growl BIG at school, that is something on which you should have been called by the school. I'd be in some meetings. YOU are the one God has appointed to protect and provide for her...!

mudders said...

that's right. You are the one responsible but try to get the whole picture. Looks like there could be a little grace.